With permission from the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE) we present resources and latest information on the impact of COVID-19 on endoscopy and gastroenterologists:

- GIE Senior Associate Editor, Dr Doug Adler, talks with Dr. Alessandro Repici about his experience with the COVID-19 outbreak in Milan, Italy.
- NEW GIE article: Considerations in performing endoscopy during the COVID-19 pandemic March 19, 2020
- Join a discussion group to share experiences from your practice
- Register for the Free Webinar: The COVID-19 Pandemic: Clinical Insights and Implications for GI Endoscopy Units March 19
- Joint GI Society Message: COVID-19 Clinical Insights for Our Community of Gastroenterologists and Gastroenterology Care Providers March 14, 2020
- GIE Article on Recommendations for Endoscopy Units in the Era of COVID-19 March 13, 2020
In Health Care:
- Ambulatory Surgery Center Association (ASCA)
- American Board of Internal Medicine
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) COVID-19 Resource Center
- CDC COVID-19 Information for Health Care Professionals
- CDC COVID-19 Resources for Healthcare Facilities
- Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Coronavirus Update
- CMS COVID-19 Partner Toolkit
- CMS’ COVID-19 Elective Surgeries and Non-Essential Procedures Recommendations
- CMS Information for Healthcare Facilities Concerning 2019 Novel Coronavirus Illness (2019-nCoV)
- CMS frequently asked questions and answers (FAQs) for healthcare providers regarding Medicare payment for laboratory tests and other services related to the 2019-Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- CMS Guidance for Infection Control and Prevention Concerning Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): FAQs and Considerations for Patient Triage, Placement and Hospital Discharge
- CPT Editorial Panel, American Medical Association (AMA) – new CPT code for COVID-19 diagnostic testing effective March 13
- World Health Organization (WHO)